
Order today and get it by January 27, 2025

100% authentic oudh from the best natural ingredients

There is a lot of similarity in how Oudh Rakhawah was distilled and how Oudh A’meen was distilled. The key difference being the wood for this distillation came from Borneo. These are our first offerings online and we wished to give our clients  options to chose from, in variety and cost efficiency.

Product Description

There is a lot of similarity in how Oudh Rakhawah was distilled and how Oudh A’meen was distilled. The key difference being the wood for this distillation came from Borneo. These are our first offerings online and we wished to give our clients  options to chose from, in variety and cost efficiency.

We named this the flowing continuous; Oudh Rakhawah because the scents flow smoothly one note after another; a Borneo with dry mintiness, buttery nuts and a tinge of lemon grass, plums and dusty Oudh dancing together confidently.

A middle note with a lemony brief, basket of tamarinds, berries, and a little bamboo syrup, soft simmers of bright woods and touches of sage.

Ending with a minty wood base that flirts back and forth with the middle notes bringing back some tamarind and bamboo. This is a Borneo that you can apply liberally and wear it daily.



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The fragrance of middle eastern royalty, natural, niche and luxury.
